
Sabahattin Zaim Library and Library Projects/Kosovo-Prizren

Sabahattin Zaim Library and Library Projects/Kosovo-Prizren



Target Audience

The Turks living in Kosovo, the people of Kosovo


Objective of the project

The Kosovo Sabahattin Zaim Library and Library Projects are a project that has been co-implemented within the scope of the "Social Library Project", which has been donated to books for 365 days within the Social mind Association and Sabahattin Zaim University of Istanbul. The Social Library Project is a social responsibility project that accepts books for 365 days and sends books for 365 days. Within the scope of the project, several prisons, military institutions and institutions and institutions are working to build libraries in disadvantaged locations. It is a sub-project within the scope of this project.


What's been done?

As part of the Kosovo Sabahattin Zaim Library and Library Projects, a library of all its equipment and all Turkish resources was established in Prizren, Kosovo, under the leadership of Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University. As part of the project, the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality provided support for the book supply. TİKA provided technology support.



In the project, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Social Youth Club, Cinema Club and Social mind Association collaborated. The project is named after the deceased Prof. Dr. Sabahattin Zaim, who was known  with the title "teacher of teachers”. The library was established incooperation with an NGO in Kosova and then moved to the Prizren school of the Maarif Foundation.



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